Beyond Teambuilding


The need to be a “High Performer” has always been a catch phrase in both sport and business. Everyone wants to be a market leader or best at everything! But how can everyone be in the top 15%?  The answer is quite easy…they can’t.

Hiside Training has developed a new process to help your team focus itself on being in that top 15%. Just as an athlete would approach it, it’s about setting tough goals that stretch your ambitions, making sure your training schedule is just as tough and committed, and ensuring that the team skills are refined so that we are able to showcase our talent at the highest level of expectation.

Beyond Teambuilding pride ourselves in creating events, activities and challenges that push any team past mediocrity, allowing them to express themselves in a way that unleashes a team synergy that is often lying dormant. Our teambuilding is done in two definitive ways; formal and informal. Both have merit and are used to create the specific objectives of your particular team’s needs.

This process becomes more critical when combined with the need to become “customer centric” as this is the ultimate reason why we need to be at our best. John Ingram facilitates this process by using interactive activities that show the delegates the impact of cause and effect as well as the impact that change has on improved outcomes. The activities are essential as it is through these activities that adults take their learning. Long gone are the 400 page books on Leadership or Change Management.  Great reads but they don’t really change anything other than frustrate you because you are not like the “super heroes” in the book.

The process begins with a Team Climate Survey, which allows the team to see itself through its own eyes. This is then followed by the intervention, which takes the team through a journey to find what the top 15% do to be classed as Top Performers.

The link to our Customer is critical,  as any change has to be directly linked to our customers’ expectations and not merely our own perceptions as to what will make us money.

The BIG challenge is in the commitments made as this is where most plans fail. It is critical that Management and the Team have a clear process of follow through and the link into the KPI and proper performance management is that critical link.

Simple as that? Give us a call and set the juggernaut into action.

John Ingram


HiSide Group


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